Felicia Hoshino Illustration


Nella Foresta Veramente Scura

While in Japan I received an email from a Giusy Battain, the director at Associazione per i Bambini Chirurgici del Burlo Onlus (or A.B.C., www.abcburlo.it). At the time, I wasn’t sure I should take the project on as I was out of town and it was pro bono, but I’m so glad that I was able to take part.

I received two copies of the book Nella Foresta Veramente Scura (In the Very Dark Forest). Its cover is beautifully illustrated by Violeta Lopiz and the overall book design is superb.



It was an honor to be included in this international project especially one that will raise funds for a good cause. Molte grazie to Giusy Battain, Matteo de Mayda and of course little Benedetta for her wonderful story! Read more about the illustration Storia di Benedetta.

The other illustrators who participated are Guido Scarabottolo, Giorgio Cavazzano, Francesco Altan, Michiko Tachimoto, Philip Giordano, Nicoletta Costa, Gabriella Giandelli, Roberto La Forgia and Elisa Fabris.