Felicia Hoshino Illustration


JBBP 50th Anniversary Gala Save the Date Postcard

Over the years I’ve had the pleasure of illustrating artwork for fundraising events at Rosa Parks Elementary Japanese Bilingual Bicultural Program (JBBP) where both of my children are alumni. 2023 marks the 50th anniversary since the program was originally founded in 1973. I illustrated and designed their “Save the Date” poster and postcards for the gala scheduled for the fall.

The theme of the gala せだいをこえてwas suggested by the JBBP sensei and translates to “beyond generations.” So the blossom represents how language and culture is passed down from generation to generation.

The list of names creating the veins in the leaf represent the various school locations in San Francisco where the JBBP program has moved from over the past 50 years, beginning at Emerson Elementary (now Cobb) and currently at Rosa Parks Elementary. Learn more about the program’s history here.



Other JBBP related illustrations:

JBBP Matsuri Art 2020

JBBP Matsuri Art

ロザーパークス J B B P